Understanding your position in the market goes a long ways to determining the rest of the marketing decisions you must make. The five Ps in marketing are
1. Positioning
2. Product
3. Place
4. Promotion
5. Price
If you’re going to be the low-cost provider in a niche market, then that will dictate the product must provide the basic value and not much more. Promotion will focus on low-cost and good-value functions. The price must be the lowest and the place will be those marketing channels that cost little or nothing. The place or channel to promote/sell the product must be trafficked by bargain hunters.
On the other hand if you’re going to pursue a product differentiation strategy and you want to position your product as a highly differentiated one, then the product must have additional features, the price can be set at the upper end of the range that customers will pay for it and the promotion will focus on the unique features offered. The place or channel must be trafficked by premium buyers.
By determining your position in the market, the other decisions become clearer.
Best regards,
Hall T.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Teknologi Super LCD

Teknologi Super LCD ini membuat gambar di layar ponsel menjadi lebih indah. Sebab teknologi ini akan mengatur keselarasan warna secara alami serta menghadirkan contrast yang lebih jernih.
Selain itu yang tak kalah pentingnya adalah, mampu menghemat energi ketimbang versi sebelumnya. Penghematan yang bisa dilakukan kurang lebih bisa mencapai lima kali lipat.
Teknologi Super LCD ini rencananya akan mulai dilepas ke pasaran pada akhir 2010. Seri produk yang akan dipilih termasuk di antaranya HTC Desire dan Nexus One yang telah beredar sekarang, namun tentu saja Super LCD ini akan dibenamkan untuk varian terbaru kedua produk tersebut.
Semoga bermanfaat.
Dari: Berbagai Sumber
The Business Model – The Nine Models for Making Money
After you validate the market, the next step in the process of starting a company is to identify the business model. The business model in short answers the question: how do you make money? The following site outlines the nine business models:
Brokerage Model—bringing buyers/sellers together.
Advertising Model—promoting products/services to an audience
Infomediary Model—gathering information about an audience and monetizing it
Merchant Model—selling goods/service either wholesale or retail
Manufacturer (Direct) Model – selling goods/services directly to the user without an intermediary
Affiliate Model – providing purchase opportunities wherever people may be
Community Model – selling ancillary products/services in a community
Subscription Model – charging for ongoing usage of a product/service
Utility Model – charging based on how much of a product/service is used.
In today’s web-based world, it’s common to use two or more of these models in the same business. Before fund raising, it’s important to identify the business model. The business doesn’t have to generate a great deal of revenue but it needs to have a clearly defined business model that is scalable.
Best regards,
Hall T.
Brokerage Model—bringing buyers/sellers together.
Advertising Model—promoting products/services to an audience
Infomediary Model—gathering information about an audience and monetizing it
Merchant Model—selling goods/service either wholesale or retail
Manufacturer (Direct) Model – selling goods/services directly to the user without an intermediary
Affiliate Model – providing purchase opportunities wherever people may be
Community Model – selling ancillary products/services in a community
Subscription Model – charging for ongoing usage of a product/service
Utility Model – charging based on how much of a product/service is used.
In today’s web-based world, it’s common to use two or more of these models in the same business. Before fund raising, it’s important to identify the business model. The business doesn’t have to generate a great deal of revenue but it needs to have a clearly defined business model that is scalable.
Best regards,
Hall T.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Social Media

Banyak terlihat kehadiran brand-brand di berbagai bentuk Social Media.
Social media adalah salah satu bagian dari strategi marketing. Sebagai salah satu cara berkomunikasi, maka Social Media mempunyai dampak baik serta dampak buruk.
- Keberadaan brand di social media dapat menjadi sarana mudah buat konsumen untuk menyampaikan keluhannya dan brand dapat menggunakan social media untuk merespon dengan mudah dan cepat serta personal. Brand pun mesti memikirikan cara pelayanan konsumen yang baik via social media, juga tetap memantau berbagai keluhan layanan, dan meresponnya dengan cepat bahkan sebelum mereka melaporkan secara resmi.
- Social media dapat digunakan untuk membangun hubungan yang baik dengan konsumen, dengan menjadikan mereka tetap bersentuhan dengan brand secara personal, tetap saling berbagi informasi, dan konsumen mendapat manfaat, sehingga ujungnya bisa meretensi konsumen.
- Brand bisa menjadi cara baru strategi marketing dari mulut ke mulut.
- Jika barang atau jasa yang ditawarkan buruk, para pengguna social media bisa dengan mudah menumpahkan kekecewaannya melalui social media, bahkan sampai mencaci maki. Dengan demikian kehadiran brand di social media tersebut tidak akan membantu selama produknya tidak diperbaiki.
- Harus ada pengelola khusus agar tidak terjadi kebingungan bagi anggota yang merupakan konsumen atau calon konsumen.
Semoga bermanfaat.
sosial network
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Market Validation—the Five Steps to Identifying Market Validation and the One Criteria that Counts
Angel investors look for market validation in a startup before investing. Fundamentally, it means the entrepreneur has found a market with a need. Here are the five steps to validate a market segment and the one key criteria that provides the acid test indicating you have found one.
1. Identify the target market—write out a specific definition of your target market segment and how it fits in the overall market. Set up a list of objectives you want to learn from the research.
2. Build the Question Set—in a web/email survey ask no more than five questions. In an interview, ten questions form the basis of a good interview. Match each question to your objectives.
3. Test the question Set—send the question set to five friends and ask them to fill it out and then give you feedback on the wording. You can also check their responses to see if it addresses your question. Rollup the responses and see if the results answer your objectives.
4. Conduct the interviews/surveys – in an email survey you will receive most of the responses you’re going to get in about 2 to 3 days. After that the responses drop off dramatically. In the survey you may want to ask if you can contact them for further questioning. This may give you additional contacts to interviews.
5. Analyze the data—review the raw data yourself. It’s surprising how often the same set of data can generate completely different results from different reviewers.
While surveys and interviews can help validate the market, the one criteria that counts more than anything else is will the customer buy the product/service. Generating revenue even at a small scale says a great deal about your market’s need for the product. This is important because when angels review deals, one of the first questions that come up is “Do they have revenue?” If the answer is “yes” then you’re in the “to be considered” category.
Best regards,
Hall T.
1. Identify the target market—write out a specific definition of your target market segment and how it fits in the overall market. Set up a list of objectives you want to learn from the research.
2. Build the Question Set—in a web/email survey ask no more than five questions. In an interview, ten questions form the basis of a good interview. Match each question to your objectives.
3. Test the question Set—send the question set to five friends and ask them to fill it out and then give you feedback on the wording. You can also check their responses to see if it addresses your question. Rollup the responses and see if the results answer your objectives.
4. Conduct the interviews/surveys – in an email survey you will receive most of the responses you’re going to get in about 2 to 3 days. After that the responses drop off dramatically. In the survey you may want to ask if you can contact them for further questioning. This may give you additional contacts to interviews.
5. Analyze the data—review the raw data yourself. It’s surprising how often the same set of data can generate completely different results from different reviewers.
While surveys and interviews can help validate the market, the one criteria that counts more than anything else is will the customer buy the product/service. Generating revenue even at a small scale says a great deal about your market’s need for the product. This is important because when angels review deals, one of the first questions that come up is “Do they have revenue?” If the answer is “yes” then you’re in the “to be considered” category.
Best regards,
Hall T.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Are you an Expert in Your Market?—Three Ways to Know Your Market Better
One of the key criteria in funding startups is the entrepreneur’s knowledge of the target market and customer. Size of market, growth rates, and segmentation are key components the entrepreneur should know well. In this post we’ll look at three ways to know your market better.
The first place to look is on the web. The Virtualpet website offers a one-stop shop to find out more details about your market segment. You’ll need to first identify which industry(s) you’re in. From that you can find out several facts about your target market size.
The next step is to find out what trade associations and conferences are related to it. You can contact the trade association and find out more about the market. Usually, the director of the association has the key market information you’re seeking and will make that available to you in an email or phone call. Their job is to foster the growth of their industry segment by informing others about it.
The third step is to attend a trade conference. You’ll learn more from those on the exhibit hall floor than you can from articles or other means. It’s worth a day walking the show to get the details.
Finally, avoid market research reports. These reports cost anywhere from $2000 to $25000. Most of these are simply a compilation from a direct mail campaign that is far from comprehensive. While they can be helpful they certainly aren’t worth the money.
Best regards,
Hall T.
The first place to look is on the web. The Virtualpet website offers a one-stop shop to find out more details about your market segment. You’ll need to first identify which industry(s) you’re in. From that you can find out several facts about your target market size.
The next step is to find out what trade associations and conferences are related to it. You can contact the trade association and find out more about the market. Usually, the director of the association has the key market information you’re seeking and will make that available to you in an email or phone call. Their job is to foster the growth of their industry segment by informing others about it.
The third step is to attend a trade conference. You’ll learn more from those on the exhibit hall floor than you can from articles or other means. It’s worth a day walking the show to get the details.
Finally, avoid market research reports. These reports cost anywhere from $2000 to $25000. Most of these are simply a compilation from a direct mail campaign that is far from comprehensive. While they can be helpful they certainly aren’t worth the money.
Best regards,
Hall T.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
BlackPad: Tablet PC RIM

BlackPad merupakan tablet PC dengan layar sentuh berukuran 7 inch dan bekali prosesor 1 GHz dari Marvel.
Untuk diketahui, Marvel merupakan pemasok utama prosesor untuk BlackBerry Bold 9700 dan ikut menggarap proyek komputer untuk pendidikan, OLPC (One Laptop Per Child).
Tablet PC RIM ini akan memiliki dua buah kamera, yakni di depan dan di belakang yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan video conference.
Vendor asal Kanada tersebut tampaknya berusaha mengejar Apple di ranah table PC yang telah mendulang sukses dengan iPad. Meski bisa dikatakan langkah RIM tersebut sedikit terlambat.
Pihak RIM masih merahasiakan tablet PCnya tersebut dan menolak memberikan komentar mengenai kebenaran kabar ini.
Hmmm... makin panas saja persaingan tablet PC...
Teknologi Flash versi 3D

Pernyataan Product Manager Adobe Thibault Imbert dalam blog di situs resmi Adobe, memberikan sinyal bahwa akan ada aplikasi pendukung 3D pada Flash versi terbaru.
"Jika Anda tengah menggarap game 3D atau hanya senang berinteraksi dengan tayangan 3D di website, jangan lewatkan presentasi berjudul 'Flash Player 3D Future' pada konferensi Adobe Max 2010 yang akan dihelat 27 October pukul 11.00 pagi di ruang 503," tulis Imbert seperti dilansir Telegraph.
Namun Imbert tidak menyertakan keterangan lebih rinci mengenai rencana pengembangan produk barunya tersebut. Agaknya, Adobe belum mau sesumbar mengenai rencananya tersebut.
Semoga cepat terealisasi dan makin canggih.
Sumber: DetikInet
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