Saturday, February 21, 2009

How Do I Forward Internet Port(Port Forwarding)?

Port forwarding refers to opening of closed port so that two or more application over internet can communicate with each other.You can think port as the way through which an application can communicate/reach to you that' why we need port 80 for http page telnet for 23 and ftp for 21.

Port forwarding for different modem/router is different but the theme remain the same in most modem/router.


  • Steps for port forwarding:-
  1. Go to your browser and type page for router/modem setting).
  2. In here type the username and password(commonly it is set to admin, admin).

    NOTE:- in case username and password is not admin then you can see it on the backside of your router/modem or can call your service provider.

  3. Now you will see the home page of your router in here click advanced link.
  4. in advanced page click port forwarding link which will take you to the page which is similar to the page shown below

    port forwarding forum of router/modem
    the page which you see above is present in almost all router/modem in addition to this some routers also provide you to forward ports directly for some common services like website(at 80), telnet(at 23), smtp(at 25) and many more.

    In here type
    • rule name :- any thing
    • protocol:- depending on port to forward(generally tcp/udp)
    • port start:-port to farward
    • port end:-same as port start
    • port map:- same as port start.

  5. Now apply the change and save all the setting so that after resetting your modem/router your setting remain the same.


  • In case you are not able to forward port using the above defined technique or not able to find port forwarding link:-
  1. Go to google, yahoo or whatever search engine you use.
  2. Now in search box type port forwarding "company name of router/modem" "model no." To search the article regarding port forwarding for your router.
  3. In case you don't Understand the second point OR not able to search the article for your router then go to and check some other router of the same company as your router for help.

    NOTE:-If even now you are not able to forward your ports then ask your ISP to do it for you.

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