Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Content-Based Marketing -- -5 Steps to Creating a Content-Based Marketing Campaign

To gain attention in today’s business world you need to have something relevant, informative, and interesting to say. The days of banner ads are long gone. Content-based marketing will help you establish your name in the market. Here are the five steps to creating a content-based marketing campaign:

1. Know your audience--know their interests, care-abouts, problems, and issues.

2. Create a Mantra and a Message--boil your core message down to a few words

3. Create a list of topics --these topics address what you found in step 1. Focus on what your audience wants to read or know about.

4. Write about those topics in your blog -- you need to write consistently over time to establish a presence in the market.

5. Reformat the content for other purposes -- take the show on the road with presentations, articles, etc.

As you build out your content, you’ll also find you’re niche and your target audience will become more clearly defined.

Best regards,

Hall T.


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